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Internship Assignment Rubrics

  • Application form.
  • Pre-registration procedures to include interviews with on-site supervisor.
  • First organization meeting with Faculty Internship Coordinator and Department Head.
  • Log/journal.
  • Blog
  • Mid-term report.
  • Mid-term evaluation meeting with Faculty Internship Coordinator and Department Head.
  • Final report with on-site supervisor’s evaluation form.
  • Final meeting with Faculty Internship Coordinator and Department Head. The final report, log/journal, work samples, and the mid-term report must be complete. Submit these items to the Faculty Internship Coordinator and the Head of the Art Department during this meeting.
  • Complete at least 8 hours per week, and/or a total of 75 hours per-semester.

Application Form

Due no later than:

Return to: Address: Phone: Email:

This form must be printed or typed. This application and the opinions of the faculty regarding your past work will determine whether or not you are selected for the internship program.







Expected date of graduation:


Faculty Internship Coordinator:

List major related courses completed during the last semester. For each course list: course number, final grade, professor, and semester.

Total credit hours taken in major:

List pertinent work experience. List: position held, company name, address, and website, date or employment, and supervisor.

Appropriate possessed skills:

Career goals:

In one or two paragraphs, state your purpose for applying to the internship program. What do you hope to gain from this type of experience?




This form is to be filled out in quadruplicate with one copy going to the student, one to the Faculty Internship Coordinator, one to the Department Head, and one to the on-site supervisor.

Student's Name:

Student's Address: (address at which the student most often receives mail)

Student's Telephone:

Supervisor's Name:

Supervisor's Business Address:

Supervisor's Business Telephone:

Faculty Internship Coordinator: Descriptive Title of the Internship:

Number of hours to be worked each week:

Specific duties and activities to be undertaken by the student:

The undersigned agree to the conditions set forth in this contract for the internship.





Department Head:


Insurance Waiver

This form is to be filled out in quadruplicate with one copy going to the student, one to the Faculty Internship Coordinator, Department Head, and one to the on-site supervisor.

I, (Intern Name), hereby agree that in connection with my up-coming internship at (Company’s Name), I shall waive rights to coverage of (Name of Academic Institution) or the insurance of the above named company or organization if I am injured during the course of my internship.







Return to: (Return Address of Department Head)


You must keep a journal recording your internship experience, You must also keep a log recording the amount of time you spend working at your internship and what tasks you complete. The journal and log must both be typed and printed for the mid-term and final meetings with the Faculty Internship Coordinator and Head of the Department.

  • For your journal, each entry must be numbered and dated.
  • You must write at least 1 entry per week but it is recommended that you write 1 entry each day that you work at your internship.
  • Weekly entries must be a minimum of 250-words. Use proper grammar and spelling. Daily entries may be any length that you find helpful in recording your internship experience.

Example entry topics:

  • Accomplishments
  • New skills and/or knowledge learned
  • Use of your previous skills
  • What skills you use most often
  • Work atmosphere/culture
  • Responsibilities
  • Benefits of internship
  • What you like least about the internship/responsibilities/work
  • What you like most about the internship/responsibilities/work
  • How this experience shaped your career goals/interests
  • Describe a typical day of work for you
  • Describe a typical day of work for your co-workers
  • Advice you would give someone else who wants to be an intern
  • Professional and personal qualities that you find are important to possess to succeed in this career
Log/Journal Rubric
Criteria Performance Quality Score
0 points 1 point 2 points
Log/Journal Log/Journal was not completed on time, is poorly written, and does not contain relevant content. Log/Journal was completed on time, each section is completed, contains some spelling and/or grammatical errors, but content is not very relevant. Log/Journal was completed on time, each section is completed, contains no spelling and/or grammatical errors, and the content is very relevant.  
Critical Thinking Lacking critical thinking or lacking relevance. Some critical thinking (application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation) evident. Clear evidence of critical thinking (application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation).  

Mid-term Report

Student's Name:

Supervisor's Name:

Sponsoring Agency:

Number of Hours worked to date: Date:

Summarize your thoughts regarding your internship so far. Include the duties you have performed, facts and procedures you've learned, and observations you've made. Type your report. Keep a copy for your files.

Return to: (Return Address of Department Head)

Mid-term Report Rubric
Criteria Performance Quality Score
0 points 1 point 2 points
Mid-term Report Mid-term Report was not completed on time, is poorly written, and does not contain relevant content. Mid-term Report was completed on time, each section is completed, contains some spelling and/or grammatical errors, but content is not very relevant. Mid-term Report was completed on time, each section is completed, contains no spelling and/or grammatical errors, and the content is very relevant.  
Critical Thinking Lacking critical thinking or lacking relevance. Some critical thinking (application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation) evident. Clear evidence of critical thinking (application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation).  

Final Report

The complete final report package should include copies of your log/journal, your mid-term report, your supervisor's mid-term evaluation, and the final evaluations. This report must be submitted to the Faculty Internship Coordinator before a grade for the course can be submitted. These questions are only to guide; you may address other relevant topics.

  1. Did your on-site supervisor provide you with learning opportunities or make an effort other train you? Explain.
  2. Do you feel satisfied with the variety and nature of experiences of your internship? Explain.
  3. Would you recommend that this company be retained as a participant in the internship program? Explain.
  4. Summarize your thoughts and observations regarding your internship. How do you feel about the experience?
  5. Do you believe the internship will be valuable in reaching your career goals? Explain.

Return to: (Return Address of Department Head)

Final Evaluation Report

(Give to on-site supervisor to complete.)

Student Name:

Supervisor’s Name:

Supervisor’s Signature:

Please complete the following form to help us reach a proper assessment for your intern’s final grade. In each case, please rank the candidate 1(low) to 5(high)

  1. Student's willingness to accept responsibility:
  2. Student's initiative:
  3. Student's comprehensive skills:
  4. Student's flexibility:
  5. Student's inter-personal skills:
  6. Student's craft/hand-skills, where appropriate:
  7. Student's thoroughness:
  8. Student's creativity/originality, where appropriate:
  9. Student's professionalism:
  10. Overall job-performance:

Return directly to: (Return Address of Department Head)

Final Report Rubric
Criteria Performance Quality Score
0 points 1 point 2 points
Final Report Final Report was not completed on time, is poorly written, and does not contain relevant content. Final Report was completed on time, each section is completed, contains some spelling and/or grammatical errors, but content is not very relevant. Final Report was completed on time, each section is completed, contains no spelling and/or grammatical errors, and the content is very relevant.  
Critical Thinking Lacking critical thinking or lacking relevance. Some critical thinking (application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation) evident. Clear evidence of critical thinking (application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation).  
Blog Entry Grading Rubric
Criteria Performance Quality Score
0 points 1 point 2 points 3 points
Blog Posts (evaluated weekly) Blog post was not published on time, is poorly written, does not contain content relevant to the course, or does not meet the post length requirement. Blog post was published on time, contains some spelling and/or grammatical errors, meets the post length requirement, but content is not very relevant to the course, or does not expand upon course topics. Blog post was published on time, contains no spelling and/or grammatical errors, meets the post length requirement, and the content expands upon course topics. Blog post is published on time, is very well written with no typos, grammar, or spelling errors, expands upon course topics, and exceeds the minimum post length. Post contains images where relevant to the content, and links to plenty of sources and resources.