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  • Internship
    This course provides students with practical experience in a professional environment, and the opportunity to be supervised in the web design and web development fields. The internship will provide those students who seek a professional application of Web related skills the opportunity to participate in a practical job experience.
  • Independent Study
    Student pursues a directed individual study of web topics that are specific to the student’s individual interests.
  • Professional Development
    This course provides knowledge and experience with professional aspects of web design. It will explore concepts such as self-branding and professional practices. In addition, the course will focus on making appropriate design decisions and understanding how these decisions affect a users' experience on the Web and with supporting printed and digital materials.
  • Project Management
    This course covers key competencies in the different facets of managing a project, including managing team and client interactions. Students will learn essential skills from the ability to provide structure at the foundling stages of the project, to estimating and projecting budgets, as well as developing and managing a project timeline for ensured project success.

Courses in Progress

  • Professional Presentations
  • Professional Standards

WaSP InterACT welcomes content contributions. Contact us if you would like to help us develop our living curriculum.